
Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Don't call it a comeback

Welcome back!

starting over, divorce, children, working mom

After a few years, I've decided to resurrect my blog.  


Well, I'm starting a new path, and I have so many things to say that I'm sure I would bore my friends and family to death if I said them all.  That being said, I'm not much of a phone talker.  Texting is more my speed, but I don't enjoy texting because it's not the same as typing.

I decided to archive all of my old posts.  They were from a time in my life when I was quite unhappy; although it did start to shift towards contentment.  Some of it was just some ugly stuff that's better forgotten.  Life, at present, is full, busy, and very content.  I guess I could say that I am reasonably happy right now.

What am I going to talk about?

I'll talk about raising my child as a lonely only while newly divorced.  Oh the guilt!  I'll drop a post here and there about teaching at a school whose policies I don't completely agree with.  And, of course, there will be my opinions on some of my favorite TV shows and books.  This is not the limit of things I will be talking about, merely a preview.

Have a look around.  Feel free to leave a link in the comment section if you have a blog you'd like me to check out.

Thanks for stopping by!


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